Our Best Call for Infection Survival

Your Immune System uses Oxygen, with sunlight , nutrients and water to beat an infection

Many medicines and energy devices will help get that oxygen to the cell wall battlefront against an infection. Pharmaceuticals, natural medicines, foods, and lifestyle choices have helped humans survive these diseases since records have been kept. They have also beaten this CoVid-19 recent superstar. That one is pretty weak compared to many others. They will beat the next ones coming as well.

More contagious and tougher to treat infections are all around us like these; Herpes Zoster, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein Barr.

Here is our best call to survive them all. The way to help that Oxygen get to the cellular ‘battle front’ !
The mineral Sulfur as organic and bio-available crystals of Methyl Sulfonyl Methane.

Does this SuperSulfur replace any of the rest of God’s orchestra of foods, light, and elements of health?


Is this form of Sulfur found elsewhere in the environment or foods around us?


What’s so special about Super Sulfur then?

In our modern world, the agricultural use of Chemical fertilizers in the 1950’s caused changes in the soil’s biochemical forms of Sulfur. Many food crops were unable to absorb these nutrients. These foods grown to feed us and our livestock became sulfur deficient. Read of the changes in human health and disease statistics after that time. Here is a really long story very short. We found that putting it back into our bodies and those of our animals and crops as a supplement had great benefits. What benefits exactly? That is a longer story.

OK, so why use a bitter drink of Sulfur crystals? Why not get back to those natural sources our ancestors used?

We salute those organic farmers and home gardeners with time and skills to rebuild their soils and create their crops in traditional ways. Contact us with links and stories we would love to share. Meanwhile, there is significant disease and suffering going on that we know can be helped with our Super Sulfur. Our directions are as clear as we can make them and many testimonials have shown the benefits for thousands of patients, customers and friends for many years. So , why not use it and share it?

About Super Sulfur

This pure crystalline powder needs to be mixed with warm water to get into your blood efficiently. It can be used topically on injured and infected tissue, but many effective benefits are reached from the blood circulation to those tissues.

How To Use it:

Use a rounded teaspoon per 100 lbs of body weight and mix it into 12 oz. of warm clean water. Drink it directly or sip it if you like a bitter taste bud “re-targeting”. Take it alone and away from supplements or foods by 1/2 hour for the best benefits.

Drink two glasses of this every day. Every morning and after dinner, for the time you are using this. 3 or 4 times in a day if recovering from injury or exhaustion. It is very bitter so sometimes a dilute grapefruit juice or black coffee will mask that somewhat. Follow this with a grape or berry to make friends with your taste buds again if you wish. People get used to the bitterness quickly, however and many find it refreshing for the other major tastes.

Metabolism repair begins with BIOAvailable Amino Acids


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Experiencing NaturoDoc's SuperSulfur