Experiencing NaturoDoc's SuperSulfur

SuperSulfur has been a reliable blood oxygenizer and detoxifier for many years in my practice. Recent changes in public health policies have  brought some creative applications of this medicine out for us. In this article I will share some of these with you.

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NaturoDoc’s standard recommended dose is one rounded tsp of Sulfur crystals per 100 lbs. of body weight taken in a glass of warm clean water. You do that twice daily, with no food or supplements within 15 minutes. This allows the properties of that sour drink of bioavailable Sulfur to bind to chemicals, drugs and metabolic toxins in the blood. These sulfur bound toxins are then more easily removed through the liver’s normal functions. Phase ll detoxification in particular.

Let’s review how that cleansing takes place, so we might apply it in unique situations. This Sulfur is in a form called methyl sulfonyl methane. This form is one that bonds easily to many large biochemicals and inorganic toxics. Also, without the environmental toxics most of us live within, our blood cells do a better job of moving oxygen in and CO2 out.

So,…why would a blood cleansing nutrient mineral have so many benefits for us oxygen breathers?

Let’s explore that.

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After recent epidemic fears and public health responses, many of us have noticed negative changes in our circulation and breathing. Some note just mild changes in endurance, others, severe flu like illness. or worsening of chronic disease.

Years of using natural medicines to treat the alleged pandemic, have been discussed widely here and elsewhere. The regular use of Sulfur, our SuperSulfur in the large crystal MSM form, has been a very consistent winner. Affordable, safe, and effective.

Many other treatments for the chronic health debilitations associated
with the CV 19 narratives are described in this article:


Many of the degenerative diseases which are harming our modern society, damage the heart, lungs,nerves and digestion. SuperSulfur can and will decrease many of these symptoms, if used properly. Not as a “cure all”, nor as an antibiotic or some super-drug, but more as a powerful bioactive mineral and nutritional component. This nutrient is widely missing from the agricultural industries, soil health and modern diets.

How and Why Sulfur has so many effects.

Click on this image to shop for SuperSulfur.

People have over a couple hundred specialized cells in the tissues of our body. Each of these needs oxygen, and has to remove waste toxins and Carbon dioxide. To stay alive. So, What does sulfur ‘do’? That depends on what cell type tissue or function in a body needs ‘doing.’


Are your lungs, heart or other organs, your “weakest links” as it were? For instance, if you have severe gingivitis and rotten gums are flooding your blood with toxins or bacteria with every chew, a sulfur tooth and gum brushing twice a day will help.

How so? Those crystals will oxygenate gum tissue and help rinse away the toxics of infection.  Similar treatment for skin or surface infections will turn around nicely within a couple days or weeks.


Your vision is in decline? Different cells of the retina, the brain, or the optic nerve, might be involved. Get an accurate medical diagnosis as soon as you can. A steady intake of Sulfur with physical therapy procedures to improve oxygenation of your blood will help you and your doctors slow and maybe reverse that decline.

PAIN and Stiffness

When we improve oxygenation of the neuro-muscular tissues, we reduce the amount of lactic and other acids which cause pain. Pain and stiffness are not fun, but they are important tools for your immune system and the healing of injury. Regular use of sulfur will lessen and relieve pain, by decreasing the biochemical reasons for it. But SuperSulfur is no substitute for first aid or removing the cause by Physical Therapy and restoring normal function.

We hope this has gotten you interested in learning more about and experiencing the benefits of this amazing nutrient mineral in your life. As you use it and learn more, please “pay it forward” by sharing what you learn with the important people in your life. This environmental toxicity we face is not getting less dangerous or easy to understand anytime soon.
Best wishes for the great results that you deserve.

~Dr. Thomas Lee. Medical Director, NaturoDoc.


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