More Benefits of Supersulfur in Biochemical Action

By Dr. Thomas Lee

The recommended use of Super Sulfur provides many seemingly unrelated benefits,


  • MSM been reported to reduce the occurrence of, or to entirely eliminate, muscle cramps of the back and leg, both caused by inactivity and by intense use (as with runners and other athletes who experience cramps while competing).

  • Also, it greatly reduces or eliminates pain from chronic arthritis.  Many people with musculoskeletal system disorders, inflammation pains from other than arthritis, and other pains (such as migraine) have reported substantial and long-lasting relief while using MSM.


  • Improved hair, cuticle, and nail growth and health, as well as a reduction in the wrinkles associated with aging.

  • Appears to reduce symptoms associated with allergies, including respiratory congestion, itching, mucoid discharges, and inflammation, as well as general discomfort.

  • Appears to help many specific body functions, such as increasing the body’s ability to produce insulin, helping the liver produce more choline, increasing the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates, and increasing the speed of healing of wounds.

  • Improved hair, cuticle, and nail growth and health, as well as a reduction in the wrinkles associated with aging.

  • Appears to reduce symptoms associated with allergies, including respiratory congestion, itching, mucoid discharges, and inflammation, as well as general discomfort.

IN THE Repair of metbolism functions:

  • Sulfur will help many specific body functions, such as increasing the body’s ability to produce insulin, helping the liver produce more choline, increasing the body’s ability to metabolize carbohydrates, and increasing the speed of healing of wounds.

Why so many different effects from one nutrient mineral?

Sulfur will assist the flow of oxygen in and out of the Red Blood cells and they nourish all cell functions in a human body. Scientists describe over 200 different cell types in an adult human and they all have different necessary functions.

For many reasons, some tissues in our body become oxygen deficient. Aging wear and tear, environmental toxins, etc. Sulfur levels increased in the blood will provide different sensations in one person, therefore, different than another person’s condition. One person, lung problems won’t respond like another person’s kidney weakness.

These general reports are just guidelines for your experience of using it safely. Good luck to you.

Dr. Thomas Lee

Dr Thomas Lee

Dr Lee is the founder and owner of NaturoDoc, Inc
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Founder, Owner of NaturoDoc, see about us here.

Dr. Thomas S. Lee is an innovative naturopathic physician. After fortuitous meetings with remarkable physicians and healers amidst his own health challenges, he found naturopathic medicine to combine the best of the old and modern medical knowledge. It merges ancient natural medicines and folk techniques with modern scientific technologies.

MSM The Benefits of Organic Sulfur, Revisited